A collection of patterns and recommendations that we’ve been collecting since we released the first alpha version of the Architecture Components. 来源: ViewModels and LiveData: …
Upgrading to Android studio 3.0 territory will make building multi-module projects a lot faster, but it also means a breaking Gradle plugin API change unfortunately. 来源: Imple…
While using Android Gradle plugin 3.0 in your project, you might have noticed that compile keyword has been now deprecated in favour of… 来源: Implementation Vs Api in Android G…
The idea of Loaders never really caught on. They were introduced with Honeycomb around 2011. It was a solution to a problem that we… 来源: It’s time to ditch Loaders in Android …
Android Recipe #4, path tracing 来源: Android Recipe #4, path tracing – Romain Guy [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NxG3BE9QCg[/embed]
Android 官方生命周期架构组件与RxJava的协作 来源: Android 生命周期架构组件与 RxJava 完美协作 关键是LiveData与RxJava配合,抽时间来学习实践!
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来源: Okio精简高效的IO库 - 简书
Android开源框架源码鉴赏:Okhttp 来源: Android开源框架源码鉴赏:Okhttp - 掘金
If you convert an app from Java to Kotlin, will it take longer to compile? 来源: Kotlin vs Java: Compilation speed – Keepsafe Engineering – Medium