If you convert an app from Java to Kotlin, will it take longer to compile? 来源: Kotlin vs Java: Compilation speed – Keepsafe Engineering – Medium
Developers will continue to add new features throughout an application’s lifetime. More code means not only longer build times — it means… 来源: How modularization can speed up …
Broadcast receiver is an Android component which allows you to send or receive Android system or application events. All the registered… 来源: Local Broadcast, less overhead and…
On the road to a #SmallerAPK 来源: Troubleshooting ProGuard issues on Android – Google Developers – Medium
Have you ever wondered if listeners with several functions in Kotlin can be reduced to something nicer? Here I give you a good amount of alternatives. 来源: Listeners with sever…
其中的inline比较好理解,就是在编译时把调用这个函数进行替换,而noinline依据字面意思也比较好理解。但这个inline与noinline结合又有一个非局部返回(Non-local returns)出现。且看下图中的官方解释crossinline 的作用是让被标记的lambda表达式不允许非局部返回。首先,默认内联函数的lambda表达式参…
object expressions are executed (and initialized) immediately, where they are used; object declarations are initialized lazily, when accessed for the first time; a companion o…
Build your Android apps from the command-lineRead through a Gradle build fileCreate your own Gradle pluginCreate build flavors for profit! 来源: Gradle Tutorial for Android: Get…
Or: “why is RxJava crashing my application when I have an onError callback?” 来源: The RxJava2 Default Error Handler – Bryan Herbst – Medium RxJava2 的错误处理,有必要好好再学习一番错误的处理…
来源: Coding Conventions - Kotlin Programming Language