If you convert an app from Java to Kotlin, will it take longer to compile? 来源: Kotlin vs Java: Compilation speed – Keepsafe Engineering – Medium
Have you ever wondered if listeners with several functions in Kotlin can be reduced to something nicer? Here I give you a good amount of alternatives. 来源: Listeners with sever…
其中的inline比较好理解,就是在编译时把调用这个函数进行替换,而noinline依据字面意思也比较好理解。但这个inline与noinline结合又有一个非局部返回(Non-local returns)出现。且看下图中的官方解释crossinline 的作用是让被标记的lambda表达式不允许非局部返回。首先,默认内联函数的lambda表达式参…
object expressions are executed (and initialized) immediately, where they are used; object declarations are initialized lazily, when accessed for the first time; a companion o…
Given a sorted array and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in order. You may assume no du…
Chapter 4 Interfaces in Kotlin are similar to Java’s but can contain default implementations and properties. All declarations are final and public by defau…